The Network control panel cannot be used with Open Transport. Please use the AppleTalk control panel. The Network Control Panel cannot be used because AppleTalk did not load at startup. Please reboot to restore AppleTalk services. Could not switch back to ^0 due to an error. Your connection will be reset to built-in LocalTalk. Could not to switch to ^0 due to an error. Your connection will be reset to built-in LocalTalk. The AppleTalk connection is unknown. Please select a different AppleTalk connection, or built-in LocalTalk will be the AppleTalk connection when you restart. The currently installed version of AppleTalk is too old for this version of the Network Control Panel. Please install the most recent version. AppleTalk is disabled. Please use the Chooser to enable it and open the Network Control Panel again. AppleTalk service is unavailable because a serious error has occured. Rebooting may restore AppleTalk service. The Network Control Panel cannot be used because AppleTalk did not load at startup. Activate AppleTalk in the Chooser and reboot. The connection cannot be changed because a router is currently running on this machine. Could not switch to ^0 due to an error. Your connection will be reset to ^1. < No zones available > < No zone selected > ET Phase 1 Slot ? Alternative Built In n/a